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Albums featuring my music below!

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Celebrating their 50th anniversary, Oregon Repertory Singers released their latest album of music by Eriks Esenvalds, Eric Whitacre, Morten Lauridsen, Franz Biebl, Ola Gjeilo, Naomi LaViolette, and me with my SSATB song Close Distancing in a stunningly beautiful performance. 



Resonance Ensemble's debut album LISTEN celebrates their 15th-anniversary with music by Melissa Dunphy, Dominick DiOrio, Jake Runestad, Mari Esabel Valverde, Steven Sametz, Renee Favand-See, and me. The album includes my SSAA song Witch Trial based on trial testimony from 1600s Salem in a gorgeous rendition by the ensemble's incredible treble voices. 

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Shadows on the Stars

Oregon Repertory Singers' gorgeous album, Shadows on the Stars features choral music from the Pacific Northwest with Morten Lauridsen's fabulous Madrigali, along with works by Joan Szymko, John Muelheisen, Naomi LaViolette, Giselle Wyers, and me. My SSATB song Sudden Light sounds wonderful with this amazing choir.

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